Schedule a "GIRL'S NIGHT OUT" , FAMILY NIGHT, or BIRTHDAY PARTY thurs-sat 6-8ish
Organic Fig Balm is a light moisturizer that is good for any age skin. It can treat dark spots, and acne, stimulates collagen production, is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants, moisture locks skin, tightens pores, cleans skin, and stimulates cell production.
On an emotional level, Fig Balm presents an easy-going sweetness and compassion. It can increase your production levels. A " the more the merrier" sentiment is produced.
*We recommend using Fig Balm for only a few days or a week to see what it does for your skin. Then mix it into your routine every now and then as you feel or intuit your skin wanting it. We do not recommend that Fig Balm replace Fruit Balm or Cucumber Balm as your long-term daily moisturizer. Think of Fruit Balm and Cucumber Balm as multi-vitamins and our Specialty Balms as single vitamins for your face. There could be a single vitamin you want to increase, but overall the multivitamin formulas cover the most essential nutrients.
Directions: Rub a small amount on the face and neck. This 7.5ml size should last you at least 3-4 weeks if used daily.
Ingredients: All Organic: Fig Oil, Mango Butter, and Love.