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The Rose Line consists of 47 organic essential oil roll-on vibrational 5-D support formulas. They offer support as you move into 5-D ( Living fully from your heart and living your dream life.)
These essential formulas and their descriptions are in my book The Dead, The Rose, and My Yellow Brick Road. I have listed their descriptions here and each Rose Line formula comes with its own formula description and ingredient card.
Directions: Roll on as needed.
Rose Line #1 - This formula assists with Inner Peace and Clarity that Uplifts and Elevates the Group Heart.
Rose Line #2 - This formula assists in letting things be as they are in the outside world that are beyond your control. It is all part of the Illusion. It helps you focus on your inward journey.
Rose Line #3 - This formula assists in bringing you into your Now Moment with ease and grace. It floats into your Heart, opening it up to other dimensions.
Rose Line #4 - This formula helps to solidify your physical 3-D body with your energetic 5-D body. If the merge has not yet happened for you, it draws the two bodies into awareness and alignment with each other. It celebrates the physicaThis formula allows you to penetrate deeper into a situation, lifting all veils or pretense and accessing the core emotional patterns in play by shining a light onto them and softening their energetics.
Rose Line #5 - This formula allows you to penetrate deeper into a situation, lifting the veils or pretense and accessing the core emotional patterns in play by shining a light into them and softening their energetics. "It is not really about this" is a descriptive phrase for this formula. Meaning there is a deeper pattern at play in your energy field and therefore your Now Moment. It will also support you in making decisions from your Heart-Mind rather than your Ego-Mind.
Rose Line #6 - This formula helps you to reclaim your ancestral roots and assists you in doing healing work for your Ancestors and helps clear their emotional bodies. It helps you breathe deeply and take care of your emotional body.
Rose Line #7 - This formula assists in releasing the Aging Matrix of 3-D and supports your DNA strands to ignite and adjust to the new Paradigm of Vitality. It leads the way to this new Paradigm through your Open Sacred Heart.
Rose Line #8 - This formula helps you experience the more subtle levels of sensitivity. As your sensitivity awakens you can release old patterns of emotional karma.
Rose Line #9 - this formula stimulates your Inner Heart Matrix and allows you to lead through your Heart-Mind, rather than the Ego-Mind.
Rose Line #10 - This formula assists inner reflection and attunes your cells to higher frequencies.
Rose Line #11 - This formula Harmonizes Everything.
Rose Line #12 - This formula assists in creating a feeling of home within, and therefore without.
Rose Line #13 - This formula awakens your Crystal Light Body while still manifesting your 3-D physical body so you feel grounded as this occurs. Gives your cells the energy needed to vibrate in harmony with your Soul Matrix energy. Gently helps the Crystal Light Body to merge with your 3-D physical body. Acts like an energetic cream, releasing energy that was holding you down.
Rose Line #14 - This formula invites your Inner Wisdom to grow and the trust you have in your Inner Wisdom to increase. It assists you in leaving the past behind and helps bring you more fully into your Now Moment. It helps support the development of your actualized self. It can help you clarify your next direction if you are experiencing uncertainty.
Rose Line #15 - This formula empowers you to bring all your memories into your Now Moment with Light and Love. It assists you to remember and integrate the past and to remember who you really are. Helps you recall why you are here and your mission for Humanity.
Rose Line #16 - This formula helps you plug into more of a Community Matrix Mindset. It uplifts and energizes you to serve your larger community, whatever community means to you right now.
Rose Line #17 - This formula assists in letting go of trauma - whether physical or emotional. It integrates memories with their emotions, so they can be released together from your physical and energetic bodies. It also clears and heals the sorrow of things long past. It permeates your heart, binds up all of the sorrow there, and shoots it out into the Cosmos in a shower of white light; like a firework blossoming in the night sky.
Rose Line #18 - This formula assists in strengthening family ties and reuniting lost loves. It assists in building a new identity, career, or a new life.
Rose Line #19 - This formula penetrates deeply into the physical body, releasing traumas and judgments that keep us apart and alone in Paradise. Connects us to our Spiritual Family, by penetrating the Heart, which is the potential of the whole world.
Rose Line #20 - This formula helps you become aware that you are the writer and director of your own movie. You become aware of casting roles, even standbys and extras. Assists you in identifying other people's movies that may overlay yours from your own movie and to let it be.
Rose Line #21 - This formula helps you realize you are never alone, and at your deepest core, that we are all one. Harmony, bliss, and togetherness are within and therefore without.
Rose Line #22 - This formula assists you in achieving deeper Inner Heart Wisdom in your Now Moment. If needed, it assists you in understanding, forgiving, and releasing your ego/subconscious actions and converting them into non-duality,non-actions. Helps reveal your Sacred Dream to your Inner Divine Soul.
Rose Line #23 - This formula assists in bringing you into your eternal Now Moment. It helps suspend Time and the Judgements of the Ego. It assists your Eternal Soul to come into the forefront to drive/guide/create your life.
Rose Line #24 - This formula creates a space for something more, like a new child, a new romance, or a new community....something BIG! You may want to affirm to yourself, that I am ready for something BIG!
Rose Line #25 - This formula establishes new relationships in your Now Moment for personal growth and maturity and deepens your understanding of them.
Rose Line #26 - This formula helps you take a leap to experience new things in your Now Moment. It helps you celebrate your innocence in a new vocation. You become the perfect ingenue of your Divine Self. It helps one realize that they are the diffuser of their own remedy.
Rose Line #27 - This formula assists in opening an inner door so that you can see your next spiritual level with clarity and understanding. It helps you transition there.
Rose Line #28 - This formula assists in forgiveness at the deepest core levels. It helps you to perceive your future and past and to start making sense of it all coming together in your Now Moment.
Rose Line #29 - This formula assists in stimulating and uplifting your Heart Energy. It also helps you to bring happiness to another.
Rose Line #30 - This formula provides the drive to move forward with your dream and/or next incarnation, in the eternal Now Moment. This will put the energetic pedal to the metal.
Rose Line #31 - This formula assists you in finding Home within, then helps you to identify your spiritual tribe and bring them together.
Rose Line #32 - This formula grounds your new identity into the Now Moment in a more solid way. The timing of it all will divinely unfold, however, the new solid foundation has been laid.
Rose Line #33 - This formula enables you to accept strength and support from your Soul Matrix, Family, and Spiritual Family.
Rose Line #34 - This formula helps you complete a more conscious merge of present and past with a look toward your Now Moment.
Rose Line #35 - This formula helps expand the energy field of the New You and celebrates that individual. This formula can be used daily and can be used in conjunction with other Rose Line formulas.
Rose Line #36 - This formula helps extract any deep core beliefs that you may be unaware you are living with that are holding you captive right now.
Rose Line #37 - This formula assists you in seeing things in a different light. You are projecting outside what is inside. So let's clean the house inside of you and prepare your Temple. As you go through you might see something that seems useless, has value, or other things you have outgrown that are no longer resonating with you. This applies to emotional feelings, emotional patterns, and core beliefs as well as things in the material 3-D world.
Rose Line #38 - This formula assists in complete forgiveness as you merge your Soul Identity in the 5-D and the 3-D into one energetic body. You realize that the need to forgive is no longer present because the essence of who you are does not need to forgive; you are coming from a different perspective that does not create something to forgive, therefore it is not needed.
Rose Line #39 - This formula supports your Soul decisions and your energy field as you are starting to move full steam ahead to your Now Moment. If you already know who you ultimately are and you are consciously moving towards that then this formula will beckon the Winds of Time and they will arrive and carry you more swiftly to your final destination.
Rose Line #40 - This formula promotes inner calm and supports detachment from mundane 3-D drama as you transition into your next conscious reincarnation.
Rose Line #41 - This formula assists in helping you detach from the 3-D world outside of you. It assists you to open to your inner world and helps establish, grow, and preserve its presence in your life. ( Great formula for meditators.)
Rose Line #42 - This formula unites both polarities that are in you. Your mirrors get more in focus and you can self-examine any distortions within your matrix.
Rose Line #43 - This formula penetrates deep into your Heart, assisting and encouraging it to open of its own accord to its fullest bloom.
Rose Line #44 - This formula assists in removing the last distortions in your Heart Matrix, giving way to a cleaner, clearer energy field within.
Rose Line #45 - This formula helps remove distortions from your matrix. It smooths and integrates old patterns or grooves that have formed over time that keep repeating themselves. Helps buff them out and assists the dawning of a newer matrix that is healthy and happy and comes from the fuller reality of your Soul. It allows the Soul's perspective to create the matrix. This shifts to living life deep in your heart and therefore your outer reflections become this reality.
Rose Line #46 - This formula helps to firmly set into place the foundation matrix of your next reincarnation. It's like you have dug the basement of your new house and this formula lays the cement blocks into that dirt hole. This formula is especially useful as you transition from one house to another.
Rose Line #47 - This formula assists you in knowing that you are not only the writer, director, and producer of your own movie; you are also the lens and project your movie through your Heart into the world.